1、也可以通过刷入zip包来root Android系统。超级苏现在已经更新到2.1.3版本,对新的Android系统Android L,Android TV等有了更好的支持。如果你有根电话,
3、超级苏更新了2.1.3,更加完美的支持Android L。
4、这次超苏的版本号从2.0.1跃升到2.1.3,带来了很多新的特性。例如,新的超级Su对Android L、Android TV和AOSP的支持更好。
5、同时,它将支持亚马逊修改后的Android Kindle Fire系列设备。超苏官方列出了一长串更新,不过都是英文的,我就不翻译了。有兴趣的可以看看。
6、Super Su 2.1.3具体更新如下:
7、-Improved support for Android TV (adjusting icons, disabling some functions, using default theme of devices by default, etc.)
8、- Parse UID names to numbers manually if the system fails to do it
9、-Fixed an issue where system users could not get root privileges even if "Trust System Users" was enabled.
10、-If starting in init_shell context, switch to init context (if possible).
11、- Adjust boot sequence for encrypted devices
12、- Support MCS for -cn/--context switch
13、- Silence a larger number of audits on latest AOSP/L
14、- Many small changes to fix support for latest AOSP/L
15、- Secondary users are no longer able to change trust system or respect CM settings
16、- Added experimental supolicy binary
17、- Check for removed apps at boot, and forget their settings if re-authentication is enabled
18、- Amazon Appstore support
19、-Remove APK restriction and install only on ARM and X86 (for MIPS)
20、-Notify interested applications when it is necessary to hide the override (grant root privileges).
21、- Transition to init context if started in kernel context
22、- Experimental builds for armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86-64, mips, mips64
23、- Fixed erroneous fd close that could cause su session freezes
24、- Fixed occasional freezes and wrong exit code in sugote
25、- Remove busybox dependency in TWRP/CWM binary updater
26、- Fixed missing sugote-mksh in backupscript
27、- Fixed install script wiping out SuperSU Pro
28、- Added option to disable mount namespace separation
29、- Fix bug where grant as default access still showed a prompt
30、- Added reboot button in dialog after binary update
31、- Added tapjacking protection - may cause issues with screen dimming apps!
32、- Added removing Team Venom SU
33、- Added new dalvik-cache paths to clear on package maintenance
34、- Fix exitcode sometimes being wrong when full content logging is enabled
35、- Fix automatic OTA survival
36、- Updated language files
37、Android L将于近期发布,此时更新Super Su,非常及时。一般来说,超级Su有两种安装方式:zip和apk。如果zip包通过第三方恢复被盗,
38、可以把安卓系统连根拔起。如果打算升级Android L,超级Su 2.1.3是root的最佳选择。如果需要超苏2.1.3,可以。
39、相关阅读:专为大屏手机优化!三星新Android UI曝光
41、Android L越来越近了!新版Google Now界面曝光
42、Android L的前奏!发布新版Google Play服务